Hurricane Related
Frequently Asked Questions
Hurricane Related FAQs
Hurricane season is June 1 to November 30. When there is the potential a hurricane could be approaching the area, we’re sure you’ll have several questions about the actions you should take.
First, there is no need to panic. If there is a need to evacuate the Myrtle Beach area, the call will be made by the Governor in plenty of time for all guests to exit hours before the hurricane arrives. We are located in Horry County South Carolina, Evacuation Zone A.
Stay tuned to WPDE news (channel 6) and/or The Weather Channel (channel 21 or 10), for the most current updates. Here’s a link to local weather. Here is a link to Horry County’s Hurricane Guide.
PirateLand will remain open unless an evacuation order is issued. If an evacuation order is issued, all guests will be asked to leave the resort in an orderly fashion and the park will be closed to guests at least until the evacuation order is lifted. There is absolutely no need to panic. We have weathered many storms, and one thing to note: they are all different.
What kind of credit will I receive for an evacuation?
PirateLand will issue a credit voucher for the time lost due to the evacuation for campsite and vacation rental stays. This voucher will be mailed to guests and is applicable to a future stay.
Can I leave prior to an evacuation?
Yes, however we may only issue credit vouchers if an evacuation is called. All storms are different. Our crew will continually assess each case by case.
I am ready to leave the park, should I notify the office?
Yes, we ask that all guests turn in their vehicle passes upon departure.
Should I take my belongings?
Yes, we recommend guests take all of their personal property with them upon departure, including all your items out of the vacation rental, and off the campsite including camper and vehicles. Annual sites should make sure all of their property is secure and take any valuables. Also consider moving things off the floor, out from under the unit, etc. to protect in the event of flooding.
How should I prepare my storage trailer?
You should prepare the unit so it’s ready to be pulled off the campsite. You may also consider taking the camper off property if a named storm is a direct threat to this area.
Where should I evacuate to?
Tune in to local radio and news stations for specific evacuation information. There will be shelters in the local area. The Front Desk will have information as well. See the evacuation map from the Horry County Hurricane Guide .
When may I return?
Once the evacuation is lifted, we will assess any issues and post updates on our website and Facebook page. Re-opening will depend on many factors including the readiness of utilities, the condition of the roads and sites, extent of damage, etc. You must check-in with the front office before re-entering. The conditions upon your return may not be as they were when you left (i.e. no electric, limbs down, etc.). If you choose to check-in under these circumstances please understand there will be NO compensation. You also may be assigned to a different campsite. Please be patient as phone call volume may be high and available resources may be limited.
What if I do not return?
You will receive a credit voucher for the time lost due to the evacuation.
What if there is no evacuation and I want to stay but my site is on the oceanfront/lakeside/under a lot of trees?
Generally, we are not going to require guests leave if no evacuation is called. Please keep in mind that storm routes and intensities can change before a storm makes landfall. Most of PirateLand is located in a flood zone. It’s common to have minor flooding and some storm surge even with smaller/weaker storms. All of the lakes are tidal, so the time and location of the storm’s impact in relation to high and low tide, can a make a big difference in conditions. A quick storm at low tide will not cause the same amount of flooding as one coming in at high tide. If you would like to switch campsites or move you vehicles to higher ground, we may be able to accommodate. Just check with the front gate or front office for assistance.
I have an annual site can I stay through an evacuation?
It is likely not safe to stay in the campground if an evacuation has been called. The water to the park is also turned off. For the safety of our crew and guests, we will require all guests leave during an evacuation. Public safety will not respond to emergency calls once winds reach 60 mph.
How should I prepare my annual site?
Hurricane season typically runs from June 1 to November 30. Historically, the most active time is around mid September. We suggest annual site residents always prepare their site when they are going to be away for a period of time. Securing loose objects is an easy, proactive way to help mitigate damage to your unit and potentially your neighbors’. Depending on the storm forecast, residents may also consider boarding windows, moving items off the floor to prevent water damage, and removing any valuables from the campground. For insurance purposes, it’s a good idea to take pictures of your place and belongings before you evacuate.
We are located in evacuation Zone A. If an evacuation is called, all guests will be asked to leave. To avoid potential sewer issues, the water to the entire campground will be shut off during an evacuation. We continually post updates here and our Facebook page as long as resources allow.
What happens after the storm?
Once it is safe, crew members will assess any issues in the park and formulate a plan and timeline for re-entry. This process takes time and will depend on the severity of any damage and utility issues. We will post updates here and on our Facebook page as resources allow (without internet/power, this may be challenging). Please understand, in consideration of our crew and the potential they may have been personally impacted, resources may be limited.
We will assess all areas of the park for damage and notify annual sites and storage customers if any major issues are discovered. Once any evacuation orders have been lifted and we have re-opened, we encourage annual site guests to come to the park, if they are able, to asses their properties and assist in clean up.
Santee Cooper is the electric provider at PirateLand. Visit this link to view and report power outages - Santee Cooper Storm Center.
Thank you for your patience and patronage!
Helpful links:
Horry County Emergency Management
South Carolina Emergency Management
Santee Cooper Outage Reporting
Local News Stations
Evacuation Routes published in the Horry County Hurricane Guide